Friday 7 November 2014

5 Top-Notch Email Marketing Articles to Check Out Now

If you’re looking for some top-notch email marketing articles, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the five articles below and get ready to increase your email marketing we love email marketing prowess!
email marketing

5 Reasons Why Content Marketing Should Elevate Your Email Program

When you’re an email marketer, and you know email boasts the highest ROI of all marketing channels, it can be easy to let your content strategy slip out of mind. In reality, though, content is an important element in any strong marketing mix, and is an excellent compliment to a robust email program. This article is here to remind you that content is not only a solid stand alone marketing tactic, but can be used to bolster your email program, as well.

How To Turn Prospect Priorities Into Email Sales Ammunition

Email, whether directed at prospects, new customers, or brand evangelists, should be all about the customer. This notion is why we here at WhatCounts are shouting from the rooftops to adopt a lifecycle framework in terms of not only your emails, but your marketing strategy as a whole.
This article promotes conducting research and then prioritizing how you present information to readers. Reading this article and incorporating it’s suggestions into a lifecycle approach could easily be a recipe for email marketing success.

Should You Listen to Your Customers’ Needs or Do They Even Know What They Really Want? 

Product development success can be found when you deeply understand your customers. The key is to strike the balance between being a leader in your industry, while also respecting what your customers want. After all, they will be the ones who determine the success of your product and company. This article from KISSmetrics will help you navigate the occasionally choppy waters of pleasing your customers while still remaining a step ahead.

How to Innovate Your Email Marketing: Unlock the Fourth Type of Campaign

In the modern era of marketing, fostering an on-going conversation with customers is crucial. This isn’t restricted to your social or content marketing strategy; it applies to your email as well. In order to keep customers engaged with your brand, you should be constantly prepping them for their next action as customers. Get the scoop on why it is so important to be continuously initiating fresh conversations with your customers, and how to do so with the right focus.

Does Your Email Marketing Measure Up?

Smart marketers know that email marketing is the digital glue that holds all other forms of communication together. As noted in this article, for every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on an email marketing investment. Numbers like that speak for themselves.

I’d venture to say nearly all successful companies in existence today are using email communication, but is it being used correctly? That is a completely different question. Check out this article to hear all about the metrics, methods, and objectives you need to be considering.

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